1. Omg I love the jacket potato lol

    Ferrets are fantastic I've had them quite a few times in my past I even had a couple all by no and special needs wants so yes there a great pet you're properly equipped and aware of there needs

  2. I am interested in getting ferrets, and the ferret raw diet powder is something that I will definitely feed them. However, I have a few questions.
    1. Since ferrets need a constant supply of food, how often do I put the powder in it? (With water, obviously.)
    2. If I feed them both the Epigen 90 and the raw diet, do I still have to feed them raw meat? ]

  3. Hi, I might be getting ferrets soon and I was wondering if Chicken necks were okay to feed them. We feed our dog chicken necks for their teeth and they really like them! And I'm just really confused if when I get ferrets, they can eat that, I've googled and the answers are quite controversial. My main plan for their diet was to either feed them Kaytee ferret food or the brand you suggested as well as a chicken neck at the end of the day. But I want to do what is safest for them.

  4. we live in the same state! 🙂 which is really helpful for me with this video, because i want to adopt ferrets at some point and i didnt know i was required to have a permit. so nice to know! lol

  5. You seem to really know what your talking about I’m only an hour old to your channel but I wanted to point out that you shouldn’t use metal water bottles because it can brake there canine teeth … this happened to my ferret and the vet told me it was all to common with ferrets coming in for the same issue

  6. First off, I enjoyed seeing this video and seeing the fur babies I love so much in the spot light. There was some great info in here. A couple things stood out to me however. Firstly, you mentioned that ferrets' diet contains a lot of salt and this is why they need access to plenty of water. It's not actually the salt content of the diet that requires them to have access but because it's a dry diet, and they don't get the moisture they need from their food as they would on a natural diet (very similar to cats' diets, actually). Second, chicken is actually quite nutritious, but like with all raw pieces, should not be fed as the sole diet. Giving a wide variety of raw foods (chicken, quail, pork, beef, venison, cornish hen, lamb, rabbit, etc), feeding the proper amount of bone, muscle meat, organs, and heart are what makes for a balanced raw diet. Heart and tongue are excellent foods to give to ensure they are getting adequate taurine and a much better alternative to the vitamin pastes. Unfortunately, those vitamin pastes are usually full of sugar, which is not a good idea as it overworks the pancreas and eventually ends up resulting in little pancreatic tumors called insulinomas, a very common disease in ferrets that affects the blood sugar. Mad props for promoting a raw diet for these little guys though! I've had ferrets for 12 years, have 6 of them currently, and have been feeding raw for 6 years. 🙂

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