1. Can you make a video teaching us about how to train a highly abused animals?
    I have one dog that I have a good relationship with and we’ve made some good progress but it’s have hard to train her when she’s messed up.

  2. I had rescued a 4 year old chihuahua corgi mix a few years back during a difficult time in my life. He was skiddish and didn't know how to do tricks or even play. When training him with dog food I discovered he liked verbal praise and a positive reaction more than the treats. So I didn't need to use them. He's super smart and observant. He's more in-tune with emotions than most dogs. He went from being skiddish to the happiest, sweetest little guy. He can do a ton of tricks now.

  3. Hi Jessi! Pls answer I'm very curious I'm about to get baby budgie chicks can you guys tell me How much you feed them and won much time until u feed budgie chicks I'm very curious thanks for the answer!

  4. Jessie, being an owner of a German Shepherd, many people assume my dog is aggressive or mean. Many people are automatically scared of her. (She’s a big sweet goofball) How can I help people consider the individual dog instead of the breed or size?

  5. I don't know where this idea that small dogs can't be trained comes from. I can see why people might think that small dogs don't need training – after all you can physically dominate them right? (Yeah, and end up being an animal abuser with a nervy, yappy dog.)
    It never occurred to me that my dog, Charlie, couldn't be trained. He's a bit bigger than Tinker, a mixed breed (a.k.a. mutt) with terrier predominant. My trouble was finding a treat for him – he's not very interested in most food… until I tried cheese, the stinkier the better. Now, at ten years old, it's being told he's a good boy and the act of giving the treat that seems to motivate him – I often find the treat discarded later, although he seemed very glad to get it at the time.

  6. I wonder, is there value in allowing a new dog in training to watch a session with an already trained dog? It seems to me that an example of exactly which commands and behaviors result in reinforcement would speed the learning process, especially if the new dog isn't performing the desired behavior often enough for easy reinforcement.

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