1. I know this is a little off topic (and a little late for this video), but would you ever consider owning a snake in the future? I've used your channel as a helpful guide for owning a hamster (love your tips and crafts), but I've really wanted a snake for a while and I don't know where to get the information for owning a snake. I've only had dogs, cats, and hamsters so snakes are a little out of my zone.

  2. I just got my first hamster this December, and his red eyes are part of what drew me to him! It's sad to hear they're so unpopular, but in that case I'm even more glad I got him; his red eyes definitely skeeze out some family members, but I think they're just adorable.

  3. Hi Erin!! Im wondering if you can help me, I'm going to tame a roborovski hamster, but it isn't going so well. I've we watched your video on them, but unfortunately whenever I put my hand in, he starts scratching and nibbling it like crazzy! Would you recommend gloves? Not sure what to do as I've never tamed a hamster before! I love your videos!

  4. Rodney also looks part Dalmatian and Labrador, and obviously I know he a mongrel, and yes there’s nothing wrong with that, but I find it fun thinking about the breeds mutts can be mixed between

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