1. This is looking like a great year for breeding! Would you consider getting into the genetics for Betta color? I believe it is documented well enough that you could almost use a Punnet square to predict what the offspring would look like. Keep up the great work though! I will be following along and might do my first breeding this year. Hopefully crowntails!

  2. I love your channel. Just became an avid fan as of yesterday and couldn't stop watching your videos. I just got a baby betta fish and was looking up best ways to care for him. The store labeled it male but I think it's still too young to tell. Anyway that's how I found you and your vids have been really helpful so far.

    The idea of breeding is very interesting and I did have some questions that might be good topic for future videos.
    1. I would like more info on what to look for in a breeding stock betta. What is considered good form or shape. What to look for that is not good. And more info on color genetics as well. What can you breed successfully together and what will end up as a bad pairing or ruin your fry.
    2. I noticed you have many different filtration types. Can you explain each more. When is it best to use the over top filter. Should you remove the carbon layer or keep it in? I've also seen the sponge filter and the diy vase bubbler. What are the pros cons for each and what situation to use them. Thanks!

    I have a 20 gallon long with a few neon tetra and an over top filter and I'm looking forward to add my baby betta in there in a few weeks. ^^

  3. I am over the moon about this! still want to buy from your first spawn but this project is so exciting! I'm so glad you'll be keeping everything. will you being showing us updates with it as you go? I'd love to see how you keep tract of things in the bullet format.

  4. OMG SO COOL. I was looking around YouTube then it just said CrwativePetKeeping posted a video. And I was just like OMG yes. then I read the title of the video and I screamed of joy and my family asked me if I was ok. and I was more than ok

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