1. this is not funny cause animals are getting hurt why are you laughing when the animal gets hurt you should check the animal if it's bleeding or broken bones and they could really hurt them self cause you are making them do stupid stuff and instead of laugh that means that you hate your animal and if they spill there food you should fill it up again and if it's a baby animal you should not do stupid stuff and laugh and instead of laughing you should help the animal and if the animal haves a stick you should help the animal after it doesn't get hurt and should not let a big animal hurt another animal and maybe they got really hurt and to help a smaller animal get up and should stop the hippo from biting the cheetah's head off instead of letting your animal get hurt you should help it then one day your animal is really going to get hurt and you should know that it looks danger for your animal and you should watch the little animals more cause they get hurt more

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