Fly Fisherman Reels In Black Lab Adrift On Galveston Bay –

Jeremy Van Pelt of Austin, Texas often makes the drive to Galveston Bay on the weekends. This past Sunday, he steered his kayak onto the water and settled in for a relaxing afternoon of fly fishing.

But instead of catching flounder or mackerel, Van Pelt ended up reeling in a wayward Black Lab!

As Van Pelt rowed through the West Bay, he noticed a large object visible on the surface.

“I was scanning the water horizon for fish that I could track down with my kayak and low and behold I saw something in the distance,” he told KHou11.

It was a dog! She was far from shore and paddling aimlessly. Once he overcame the shock of what he was seeing, Van Pelt boosted the friendly pup onto his kayak and called the number printed on her collar.

Screenshot via KHou11

It turns out the water-loving Labrador named Grace belongs to the White family, who also happened to be enjoying the bay last weekend. Grace’s mom, Krista White believes the pooch waded out in search of her husband’s boat.

“It was just unbelievable,” White said. “I just I can’t believe she was out in the middle of the bay. There were so many things that could have happened to her.”

Luckily, Van Pelt was there to row Grace back to shore! The Whites were incredibly grateful and the fly fisherman’s kids were quite impressed with the day’s “catch.”

“It was definitely, according to my kiddos, the most exciting thing I’ve ever caught out in Galveston Bay,” Van Pelt said.

H/T & Featured Images via KHou11

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