Good Samaritan Rescues Kitten, Finds Out It’s a Baby Bobcat

Looks can be deceiving, even when it comes to adorable baby animals.

A Good Samaritan in Minnesota recently learned this lesson when he discovered what he thought to be a kitten in a local parking lot. According to WCCO CBS Minnesota, the man heard the baby cat crying earlier in June, swooped the cutie up and brought her home.

Not long after, he realized the animal was not a domestic breed. After listening more carefully to its cries and checking out the size of its paws, he began to suspect he had a wild animal on his hands.

That was indeed the case, confirmed the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota, who told WCCO that the concerned citizen handed the baby bobcat over to them for proper care.

“We have our first Bobcat kitten of the summer. We’re thankful he found the tiny Bobcat before it was hit by a car,” the WRC wrote in a Facebook post about the rescue.

The WRC says the “bobkitten” was dehydrated, but otherwise she is in good health.

“Due to the location found (a car lot in a busy setting) and the fact that it was alone overnight, we determined the risk to her health in attempting a reunite wasn’t as important as getting her into care,” the center wrote on Instagram alongside a video of the feline.

The center will care for the baby for the time being, and soon it will transfer the animal to a rehabber who specializes in bobcats.

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