Nashville Rescue Caring for Neglected Puppies with Maggots in Their Eyes

Rescue work often isn’t fluffy and adorable. Those who devote their time to helping homeless and needy pets often encounter innocent animals who have been neglected, abused and abandoned.

But even animal rescuers who have seen countless animals at their lowest points still see things that shock them.

“I want to vomit,” reads the start of a July 15 post on Big Fluffy Dog Rescue’s Facebook page.

The post goes on to recount how the Nashville-based non-profit recently started caring for a severely neglected mother dog and her puppies.

“We have a Mom and puppies who arrived covered with wounds with maggots. I can take many things, but watching a maggot crawl out of a puppy’s eye is more than even I can manage,” continues the upsetting Facebook posting. 

According to WZTV, two puppies died of septic shock before they could receive care, leaving four. These baby dogs and mom were found in devastating conditions at a residence from which rescuers have pulled animals from before, staffers write.

“Those of you who have followed us for a while may recall the Hickman County TN case where we took in 11 dogs that ended up costing almost $20K before it was done. The dogs had serious injuries and diseases from severe neglect. That was 2013. Fast forward 5 years forward and here we are again,” adds the FB announcement about the puppies.

Big Fluffy Dog Rescue founder Jean Harrison told WZTV that it will like cost at least $1,000 to $1,500 to vet each of these needy new arrivals. While the two puppies that died had maggots in their wounds, one surviving puppy named Vinny was found with maggots in its eye and infections in both eyes. This 3-week-old puppy will have to undergo surgery to have both of its eyes removed. 

Once the operation is complete, the rescue is confident that staffers will be able to lead the puppy through a full recovery and into a normal life in a loving home. The rescue expects the same future for the other puppies and their mom, who came in with less severe injuries and health issues.

You can help these canines heal by donating to the Big Fluffy Dog Rescue here.

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