Puppy with Broken Legs Found Abandoned in Arizona Dumpster

Tommy the puppy is recovering from two broken back legs and a broken pelvis, but he still has enough excitement to jump on the laps of anyone close by.

“Tommy is the sweetest boy,” Bretta Nelson, the public relations manager at Arizona Humane Society, tells PEOPLE via email, adding that the pooch loves to give “endless kisses.”

This is surprising given what the little dog has gone through. Tommy was rescued on July 11 by a Good Samaritan who heard whimpers coming from a dumpster in Phoenix. The pup was found wrapped in a dark blanket, wearing a collar with no tags.

“As you can imagine, Phoenix in July is unbearable as far as our temperatures are concerned so to find an injured pet in a blanket within a dumpster is simply horrific,” says Nelson. 

The Good Samaritan made sure Tommy got to Arizona Humane Society’s Second Chance Animal Trauma Hospital, where veterinarians quickly discovered the pup’s three serious breaks. It is unclear what exactly caused the dog’s injuries, but the rescue is concerned abuse may have played a role. 

“What made it suspicious to AHS’ veterinarians was that he did not have any road rash, lacerations or bruises that would be consistent with being hit by a car, and his legs were also broken in the same spot,” Nelson says of Tommy’s injuries. 

The Phoenix Police Department is currently investigating the matter. While they search for justice, Tommy is using this time to recoup from surgery. 

To help repair his breaks, an Arizona Humane Society (AHS) veterinarian and another local vet performed surgery on both of the canine’s back legs. With the operation over, Tommy is receiving grade-A follow-up care at his foster home, which happens to belong to the lead veterinarian of AHS’ trauma hospital, Dr. Melissa Thompson.

It will likely take Tommy two months or more to recover from his injuries. This time will give the puppy a chance to heal his body and his heart.

Tommy has already make major strides with the latter, filling his hours at his foster home with toys, affection, food and naps.

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