Dogs Rescued from Puppy Mills Across the Midwest Up for Adoption in Colorado

There was a very special delivery to Peyton, Colorado, on Saturday.

More than 100 dogs arrived at their new temporary home at the National Mill Dog Rescue. The canines were rescued from commercial breeding facilities, also known as puppy mills, around the Midwest.

Rescue crews for National Mill Dog Rescue recently set out on a three-day journey to collect all the pooches from five different states. The dogs range in age and breed and include pooches like a 12-week-old English bulldog with Spina Bifida and a 13-year-old Yorkie who has only known the inside of cage.

Courtesy National Mill Dog Rescue

These dogs and dozens of others can now put their difficult pasts behind them. National Mill Dog Rescue is dedicated to giving these pooches a second chance. All of the animals are in the process of being evaluated, named, treated and dewormed — and getting plenty of affection from volunteers, too.

Courtesy National Mill Dog Rescue

Once the intake procedures are complete, National Mill Dog Rescue will set to work finding loving forever homes for every rescued dog, where nothing will be expected of them except to accept the love their new families have to offer.

Courtesy National Mill Dog Rescue

“The rescue side of our work is difficult. We spend long hours on the road, sometimes seeing unspeakable conditions, we work hard and we sleep fast,” the rescue’s founder and executive director, Theresa Strader, said in a statement. “We know how to work together, we are family. Best of all, we love dogs to the core of our beings and we are so deeply rewarded when we take them into our arms, knowing that soon they will transform from a caged commodity into a cherished family member. This is why we do what we do.”

Courtesy National Mill Dog Rescue

National Mill Dog Rescue is able to do what they do by forming relationships with breeders. When dogs belonging to these breeders are no longer of commercial use, they are given to National Mill Dog Rescue instead of being euthanized or going into uncertain futures. The non-profit has already saved, treated and re-homed more than 13,000 dogs and doesn’t plan to stop anytime soon.

To learn more about National Mill Dog Rescue’s work and support its efforts, visit the website.

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