Dog Wears Dentures, Photos |

You’ve never seen a dog smile like this before.

Twitter user @eUniFIEd recently took a trip down memory lane, recalling the time her family’s sneaky pup Maggie decided to try out her dad’s dentures.

“A few months ago my dog, Maggie, stole my dads dentures while he was napping (his gums had been hurting him so he took them out mid-afternoon) and he found her like this,” the poster shared.

Even better than the story, are the photos that go with it. Since Maggie was caught red-pawed (or red-gummed), @eUniFIEd’s dad was able to get some adorably awesome shots of the dog’s new smile.

The chompers suit her in a cute, nightmarish sort of way.

Twitter couldn’t get enough of the little dog with the big grin: the post of Maggie’s hilarious theft received more than 51,000 likes and 21,000 retweets.

If you are interested in seeing’s Maggie de-dentured face, the fluffy pup has an Instagram account with more than 600 followers.