Sheriff’s Office Volunteer Saves Dog Tied to Truck Heading for Interstate

A sharp-eyed patrol volunteer from the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona saved a dog from a scary fate.

According to the sheriff’s office’s Facebook page, the volunteer — who assists deputies with traffic control, directing motorists, crime scene security and more — was on a break in a parking lot when he spotted a shocking sight.

In a video of the incident, you can see a semi-truck pull in front of the volunteer’s vehicle to get on an interstate … with a helpless dog tied to the back.

Acting fast, the volunteer turned on his car’s lights and sirens to get the truck driver’s attention and stop the vehicle. When the volunteer explained the situation, the truck driver, who is also the owner of the dog, was extremely grateful and relieved.

The driver told the volunteer he forgot their dog was tied to back of the truck and deeply appreciated that the volunteer caught this potentially fatal mistake.

“Patrol VIPs act only as eyes and ears when they are in the field, but this exception to use lights and siren to save this dog from injury or death has been deemed warranted by YCSO Command Staff. The driver was simply distracted and headed towards the interstate forgetting to unleash his dog. No charges are being sought,” the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office added on Facebook.