Feline Sanctuary Volunteer Stops by Every Day to Brush Cats and Nap with Them

Cat naps aren’t just for felines, as Terry knows.

The Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary volunteer stops by the Wisconsin-based, no-kill, cage-free cat sanctuary every day to do what he loves: brush cats.

According to the sanctuary’s founder Elizabeth Feldhausen, Terry arrived at the sanctuary six months ago and said he’d like to brush cats. Ever since, Terry has come by every day to brush Safe Haven’s feline residents, many of whom have physical or psychological disabilities, for three hours.

Courtesy Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary

Often the soothing act of brushing a sleeping feline lulls Terry into sleep too. The cats don’t complain; instead they use this opportunity to get some quality cuddles in.

“I would describe him as a genuinely kind and humble person. He’s like a grandpa to all of us, and the cats,” Feldhausen tells PEOPLE of Terry.

He is also becoming a social media superstar. A recent Facebook post about Terry’s devotion to the cats and the naps he takes with then now has more than 11,000 shares from animal lovers.

Courtesy Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary

While Terry may look like he is sleeping on the job, these naps are important for the cats. Spending time with volunteers like Terry allows the felines to become more socialized and therefore more attractive to potential adopters.

Plus, with all the quality time he spends with them, Terry can now tell Safe Haven employees each individual cat’s likes and dislikes, important things to know to keep the kitties comfortable while they wait for their forever homes.

You can help Terry and all of Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary save felines by donating to their work at this website.

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