Sweet Dog Abandoned When She Could No Longer Be Used For Breeding Gets A Second Chance

Part of each sale through the iHeartDogs store is donated to Greater Good, which helps support various charities. Thanks to customers like you, happy endings, like the one below, are made possible. 

“Bessie is our newest foster here at Saving GRACE “Giving Rescue Animals Chances Everyday.” She was found tied to a street sign in very poor shape. She had an incredibly large mammary tumor and was very emaciated as well. It was also apparent that she had likely bred many times; we are guessing she got dumped due to the tumor being so large that nursing puppies was no longer an option for her. The moment we saw her picture, we knew she would be our next rescue; three days later she was ours!

Photo: Saving GRACE

“It was very apparent that Bessie was thankful for being in an environment where she had regular meals and all love she can handle. We are grateful for the fact that we were able to have her tumor removed within the week we had gotten her; it was obviously causing her a lot of discomfort. This sweet dog went from a life without hope, to the most spoiled and loved dog ever.

Photo: Saving GRACE

“It didn’t take long for Bessie and her story to build up quite the fan club! To meet her is to love her, and despite the suffering she has endured at the hands of humans, Bessie is filled with nothing but love and forgiveness. With the tumor now gone Bessie is about five pounds lighter, and has many hearty meals in her future to get to a healthy weight before we will be able to finish her vetting. Once Bessie has reached a healthy weight and can be spayed, it will be her time to find the perfect forever home!

Photo: Saving GRACE

“Here at Saving GRACE, our passion lies with the special needs animals, like Bessie, and often this means our foster animals have larger than normal medical bills. We would not be able to save these kinds of animals if it weren’t for the help of so many generous people and programs helping us out; programs such as our Rescue Bank. Bessie’s medical bills are nearing the thousand-dollar mark, and not having to worry about buying good quality foods at market price is a huge weight off of our shoulders. Without Rescue Bank, and programs like this, we have no doubt in our minds that rescues wouldn’t readily take in cases like Bessie’s due to the fact that so much of their funding would have to go toward food bills.”

– Saving GRACE

Rescue Bank helps shelters care for dogs like Bessie by providing them with nutritious food, which allows them to use their funding for other things! Your purchases from the iHeartDogs store support Rescue Bank – feeding shelter dogs in need!

This product feeds 7 shelter dogs!

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