Special Needs Golden Retriever Puppy Has His Own Day Out While Waiting For His Forever Home

Jalapeno is 5 months old and all Golden Retriever! He has a happy-go-lucky personality, a big smile, beautiful brown eyes and is smart as a whip – he has it all! But believe it or not, this lovable little guy has yet to find a forever home.

Sweet little Jalapeno was born as a product of breeding, and as often happens with commercial breeding, he was born with a birth defect. A family bought him but quickly realized something was different and surrendered him to Marley’s Mutts. Jalapeno’s condition requires him to sit in a special chair that keeps him upright during feedings, and then someone is needed to massage his throat after his meals. Someone who thought they were up to the task adopted him, but soon returned Jalapeno, claiming it was too much work to care for him. He’s still waiting for his forever home to find him.

Photo: Dogs Day Out/Screenshot

Jalapeno has had some tough days, but Rocky Kanaka wanted to make it up to him by giving him one really, really great day! Rocky has given dogs some pretty memorable days out before, but this one must have really made Jalapeno feel like a star!

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Can you or someone you know give Jalapeno the love and care he needs for the rest of his life? He has plenty of love to give in return! Jalapeno is adoptable through Marley’s Mutts, and his special Bailey’s Chair comes with him and is adjustable to grow as he does! Click here to fill out an application to bring home Jalepeno!

Featured Photo: Screenshot via Dogs Day Out/YouTube

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