Dog Pretends to Be Stray to Get Free McDonald’s

A new study recently claimed that canines aren’t as smart we think they are, but Princess begs to differ.

The pooch has come up with an impressive hustle: a scam that is earning her a free dinner every night and is driving her owner bonkers.

According to Betsey Reyes, Princess’ owner, the conniving canine slips out of her house every night and sidles over to a nearby McDonald’s. Once in position near the drive-through, Princess turns on the puppy eyes and pretends to be a stray dog to guilt customers into giving her food.

Reyes called out the “gold-digging” dog on Facebook, warning locals in the area not to feed her “fat” pet — who is definitely not a stray. The owner’s blast has turned her pooch into an Internet superstar.

For those who doubt Reyes’ claims, the owner took a video of her dog in the act and posted it on Facebook as a follow-up to her original post, reports CBS News.

In the clip Princess can be seen approaching a car window to grab a bit of burger from an ignorant do-gooder. After nabbing yet another free meal, the pooch eventually notices her mom, but doesn’t seem to be too embarrassed about getting caught in the act.

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