Former President’s Service Dog Moves On To New Assignment Now That His Mission Is Complete

Politics may be a sore subject for most people, but whether you vote red, blue, or purple, we can all agree that dogs are amazing.

A photo went viral recently of former president George H.W. Bush’s service dog, Sully, curled up in front of his best friend’s flag-draped casket. The photo was originally shared to Sully’s Instagram account with the short caption, “Mission complete.”

Sully was named for Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, an airline captain who was declared a national hero in 2009 after the U.S. Airways flight he was piloting hit a flock of Canadian geese just after takeoff. The plane lost power to both engines but Captain Sullenberger managed to save all 151 lives aboard by making an emergency landing on the Hudson River near Manhattan.

As a pup, Sully was sponsored by Friends of America’s VetDogs to recieve training as a guide dog. America’s VetDogs provides service dogs to veterans. to provide help with daily activities. Sully went into service for President H.W. Bush shortly after he suffered the loss of his wife of 73 years, Barbara Bush. He provided comfort to the Bush family while they mourned.

At only a year old Sully already knew over 32 commands to help his handler. Among other things, Sully knows how to turn on lights, retrieve items, answer phones, and open doors, which was a huge help to H.W. Bush, who had been in a wheelchair for his last 6 years due to vascular parkinsonism.

Sully lived at Walker’s Point in Kennebunkport, Maine, with H.W. Bush and staff. Though he was in service to the former president, he had plenty of playmates and time to just be a happy dog!

Sully’s Instagram posts are proof that he was fond of the 41st president, and lived a happy life with the Bush family. He also raised awareness for service dogs and America’s VetDogs through his posts.

Because Sully’s feelings weren’t complicated by any political stance, he was able to do the job a dog does best – love his human.

Sully was aboard the flight from Houston that is taking family members and the late president to Washington for services. Now that Sully’s mission is complete he will continue to use his training to help veterans who need him. Sully will join two other America’s VetDogs graduates, SGT Dillon and SGT Truman at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD to serve wounded soldiers. Former President George W. Bush said on Instagram:

“As much as our family is going to miss this dog, we’re comforted to know that he’ll bring the same joy to his new home, Walter Reed, that he brought to 41.”

Featured Photo: sullyhwbush/Instagram

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