8 Items That Will Help Make Your Dog Feel More At Home

Sharing your life with your dog starts at home, usually with a bed and a bowl. Even before we bring home our pup, we make sure we have everything he needs to be happy. Leashes, treats, etc. Once you have the basics, though, what else can you do to make sure your dog feels like your house is truly his home?

You don’t have to break the bank to spoil your dog and make him feel like he belongs. He isn’t going to be able to tell the difference between his pet-supply-store bowls and a 22k gold leaf Versace pet bowl. (Yes, it exists.) We have a few ideas that will help put a few canine-touches on a human home. You can even make some of these yourself! Not only will these items make your dog feel more comfortable in your home, they’ll make life easier for both of you!

 1. Walking Station

Your dog will quickly learn that you approaching the walking station means that it’s time for exercise! Instead of tossing your leashes, bags and portable water bowl just anywhere, you’ll have everything in one place and ready to go. No more having your dog follow you around the house for a half hour while you hunt for bags just because you grabbed the leash!

 2. Couch Cover

Few things are better than snuggling with your dog on the couch while watching TV. The PACK&DEN Quilted Couch Cover goes over your dog’s already favorite spot to offer a little extra comfort. He can lean or rest his head on the bolster and watch his favorite shows with his favorite person! It’ll also keep fur, dirt, and your dog’s signature scent out of your couch cushions.

 3. Freedom Stairs

These incredibly smart stairs make getting on and off your bed safe and easy for any dog! Your big breed may have no problem launching himself on top of the mattress or couch, but as he gets older the strain may be too much for his joints. Freedom Stairs will keep him from injuring himself. It’s ideal for older dogs, smaller breeds, and young puppies who have the will, but not the way. In the rare moments you don’t want your dog on your bed, like when you’re changing your sheets, push the stairs back into the table and voila – paws stay on the floor!

 4. Toy Storage Box

Having toys all over the place isn’t fun for you or your dog. Giving your pup space for his toys not only keeps everything nice and tidy but will also help him find them when it’s play time. A box without a lid or doors will give him access to his toys at any time, and can be helpful if you choose to train him to clean up after himself.

 5. A Blanket Of His Own

A special blanket can provide both comfort and a sense of security for your dog. Gifting your dog a blankie of his own could be like giving him a best friend of his own – not that it could ever replace you! PACK&DEN Throws & Blankets are meant to make your dog feel spoiled and loved, but are still machine washable and help control that doggy smell we both love and hate.

 6. Potty Patch

A potty patch is a great idea for apartment dwellers, especially those who have to take a flight of stairs or two to get to grass. Instead of risking your dog doing his business on a neighbor’s doorstep, you can put a potty patch on your balcony so he only has to step outside! You can buy or DIY – just don’t try to walk around in your new grass.

 7. A Cooling Pad

After a trip to the dog park on a hot day, nothing feels better than laying down in a nice, cool spot! PACK&DEN cooling pads give your dog a soft, cozy place to chill out. The gel stays cool without being too cold, the cover is washable, and it goes wherever works best for you – so there’s no need to step over your resting dog while making your way across your tiled floors!

 8. A Removable Showerhead

It seems like a no-brainer, but once you’ve washed your dog with a removable showerhead, you’ll never want to do it any other way! They’re cheap, super easy to install, and make bath time a lot less of a fuss for you and your dog. If you prefer to wash your dog in your tub that doesn’t have a shower, there are showerheads available that will attach to your tub’s faucet.

The post 8 Items That Will Help Make Your Dog Feel More At Home appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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