Cat Accidentally Shipped 700 Miles Away in Canada

Curiosity turned into unwanted wanderlust for one unlucky cat.

According to CTV News, a Nova Scotia kitty named Baloo snuck into a box of tire rims being mailed through Canadian shipping company Purolator.

Baloo’s owner, Jacqueline Lake, told the station she didn’t realize her feline had found his way into the box, because the cat slinked through a hole in a tire rim and worked his way out of sight to the bottom of the package. Thanks to his hiding skills, Baloo accidentally got packaged and mailed with the tire rims on Dec. 6.

After a 17-hour trip that covered over 700 miles, Baloo ended up in Montreal, where he was discovered by a Purolator employee who was curious why one of the boxes was leaking urine.

Purolator dropped Baloo off at the Montreal SPCA for a check-up, which he passed without issue, and gave the shelter the contact info for the cat’s owner. Purolator used the tracking number on Baloo’s box to figure out who to call.

The SPCA contacted Lake and let her know the feline was safe, just a little far away.

Freedom Drivers, a volunteer-based non-profit that transports shelter pets, agreed to drive Baloo the 17 hours back to Nova Scotia. After 10 total days of travel, Baloo is back home getting a lot of extra attention.

Lake told that it didn’t take long for Baloo to start acting like his normal self again, but her family has been less forgiving.

“I’m not allowed near boxes or the animals anymore,” Lake said.

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