Parents Secretly Adopt Daughter’s Favorite Shelter Dog As Surprise Christmas Gift

Two Oklahoma parents surprised their daughter this week with the greatest Christmas gift of all: a dog she fell in love with while volunteering at a local shelter.

Lance Fuqua of Seiling, Oklahoma, posted a heartwarming video on Tuesday of his daughter’s reaction when they surprised her with a pup she cared for at the Humane Society of Stillwater.

Lance Fuqua / Facebook
Hallee Fuqua’s response to seeing the dog unleashed a rollercoaster of emotions.

His daughter, Hallee Fuqua, had asked for a dog for years, but her parents insisted that she finish college first, Lance Fuqua wrote in a Facebook post. 

To help scratch her itch for a dog of her own, Hallee Fuqua began volunteering at the humane society over Thanksgiving break, ABC News reported. That’s where she met Rambo, a Plott Hound and Mountain Cur mix, and became smitten.

“She would come in and just sit with him,” Jackie Ross-Guerrero, the shelter’s director, told ABC News. “They connected from day one.”

Three weeks ago, Lance Fuqua and his wife secretly adopted Rambo and, with the help of the shelter, kept their daughter in the dark about their plan to surprise her with the furball for Christmas. Hallee Fuqua found out that Rambo had been adopted, without knowing by whom, “and she was broken,” her father wrote on Facebook.

So imagine her joy when she found out her parents were the secret adopters and saw that dapper little fellow near her doorstep a week before Christmas.

 “This isn’t a joke?” Hallee Fuqua says through tears of happiness at the end of the Facebook video.

Here’s hoping that in return for his puppy love, Hallee gives Rambo plenty of belly rubs on Christmas day — and gives her very good parents tons of love as well.

HuffPost reached out to Lance and Hallee Fuqua for this story, but not receive an immediate response.

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