Police Officer Rescues Kitten From Highway And Gives Her A Home

On December 20, 2018, this teeny kitten was abandoned on a highway barrier in the middle of six lanes of high-speed, roaring traffic. She had been stranded for hours with nowhere to go, frigid temperatures and high winds made worse by the passing cars. Luckily, she was seen by a police officer who could help bring her to safety.

Officer Jason Smith with the North Kansas City Police Department saw the cat in it’s dangerous perch and pulled quickly onto the shoulder. He stepped out of his car on the highway, approaching the kitten with the same call he uses for his cats at home. He was able to pluck the cowering kitty off the barrier wall and take her, clawing and crying, into the safety of his car.

As soon as she was off the road she stopped crying. In the car he gave her lots of love and pets, and she leans so far back into his hand she could’ve fallen over backwards! The kitten makes herself at home, exploring the car, and is not at all shy about climbing into Officer Smith’s lap to demand more scratches!

Watch the rescue here:

Officer Smith decided to take the kitten home, where he has other pets for her to play with! Now named Bella, she has settled in and is officially a part of the family! She also has her own Instagram where you can watch her grow: @highwaykitty.

H/T: KWCH.com
Featured Photo: @highwaykitty/Instagram

The post Police Officer Rescues Kitten From Highway And Gives Her A Home appeared first on iHeartCats.com.

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