That Moment When a Dog Is Rescued from Their Abuser [12 POWERFUL PICS]

These dogs are getting a second chance – and it started exactly when these photos were taken. These pictures capture the incredible moment in time where a sad story came to an end and a better, brighter future began.

For a dog who has had to endure a life of abuse, a rescuer is a hero, a savior, and a best friend all rolled into one.

Breaking the chainsBreaking the chains – Source

Yesterday’s sad dog chained up and laying in the dirt will have a warm blanket and fresh water tomorrow.

Thank you for rescuing me! Thank you for rescuing me! – Source

In so many cases you can see that these dogs know that they’re being helped, and feel the relief of their rescue.

Don't worry doggy, you're in good hands. Don’t worry doggy, you’re in good hands. – Source

No matter what their story, no matter how scared or tired or hurt, these dogs now have someone who cares for them.

You're safe now, doggy. You’re safe now, doggy. – Source

These dogs may have never known a nice belly scratch or a friendly smile. All of that changes once they’re rescued.

This Beagle is rescued from an animal testing lab in Italy. This Beagle is rescued from an animal testing lab in Italy. – Source

This all happens thanks to people stepping up and speaking our for animals who can’t speak for themselves.

So many hands willing to help. So many hands willing to help. – Source Rescued from a dog fighting ring.Rescued from a dog fighting ring. – Source

We can show that for every abuser and abandoner, there are hundreds more of us who want to see dogs like these in happy homes.

I'm sure this dog is grateful to be rescued. I’m sure this dog is grateful to be rescued. – Source These puppies were among the ones rescued in a dog fighting operation.These puppies were among the ones rescued in a dog fighting operation. – Source

Keep speaking up. Let people know the extent of abuse that animals face every day.

Thank you for saving me..Thank you for saving me.. – Source

Even if it’s little by little, every single one of these lives deserve saving.

Fight animal abuse! Fight animal abuse! – Source

And every single one shows their gratitude – once they come out of their shells!

I've seen this photo a dozen times, and it never fails to make me smile. I’ve seen this photo a dozen times, and it never fails to make me smile. – Source

Be sure to speak up if you see animal abuse, and thank a rescuer every chance you get for the work they do in giving animals a shot at a better life!

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