Seth Meyers: ‘What Does Trump Have Against Dogs?’

Even in the Trump administration, every dog has its day. But that’s not always a good thing.

On Thursday’s broadcast of “Late Night,” Seth Meyers referred to a quote from Cliff Sims’ new book, “Team of Vipers,” that described how Trump talked to former Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

“I remember being in Wisconsin and your own people were booing you,” Trump told him. … “You were out there dying like a dog, Paul. Like a dog! And what’d I do? I saved your a―.”

“What does Trump have against dogs?” asked the “Late Night” host, who dotes on his Italian greyhound named Frisbee. “He’s always attacking people by saying they were ‘fired like a dog’ or ‘choked like a dog’ or they were ‘begging for money like a dog’ or they got ‘kicked out of the ABC News debate like a dog.’”

Meyers said that using dogs in these contexts makes no sense. 

“Dogs don’t do any of those things,” he said. “And if a dog got up on a stage at a debate with you, not only would it not get booed, it would probably get elected.”

Check out the clip above, beginning at 6:45.

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