Photographer’s “Hair of the Dog” Photos Show How Beautiful Dog Fur Can Be

No one knows your dog’s coat like you do. With all the time spent brushing, petting, and plucking stray hairs off your shirt, you might be an expert on your dog’s fur! But when was the last time you really looked at it?

Photographer Shaina Fishman’s Hair of the Dog series has a new angle on dog fur. The photos get up close, showing the texture, color, and uniqueness of each coat. You may not love it when it’s on your furniture or clothes, but these photos give us a new appreciation for dog hair!

Photo: Shaina Fishman

Fishman studied photography with hopes of becoming a fashion photographer.

“Once I entered the industry I quickly realized that it was not for me.”

Photo: Shaina Fishman

While trying to find a new career path, she spent some time taking photos of her senior Papillon, Cosmo, named so “after Cosmo Kramer in Seinfeld, not the drink.”

Photo: Shaina Fishman

“As I was figuring out what I wanted to do I started taking pictures of my dog and his friends at the dog park. I loved the images I was making and started exploring the idea of photographing animals. After my first studio shoot with dogs was a success I decided that this would be my path.”

Photo: Shaina Fishman

She has since released a book full of pup photos, and her portfolio continues to grow!

Photo: Shaina Fishman

Her “Hair of the Dog” photos came from a clever idea for greeting cards for her clients. Rather than send Christmas cards, she chose to send cards wishing a happy new year along with a bottle of champagne.

Photo: Shaina Fishman

“Hair of the dog that bit you” is a common hangover cure – to drink a bit of whatever caused it. Fishman paired the phrase with the clever cards depicting the literal hair of the dog!

Photo: Shaina Fishman

Every photo is unique. We asked Fishman if there was anything that surprised her about these photos.

“How amazing a detail image of a dog’s hair can be. They are like pieces of artwork.”

Photo: Shaina Fishman

Her other photos are just as incredible – but you get more dog per photo! Like these close up photos, she shows how each dog is a unique individual.

Photo: Shaina Fishman

You can see more of Shaina Fishman’s work on Instagram!

Photos: Shaina Fishman

All photos used with photographer’s permission.

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