7-Year-Old Girl Fighting Brain Tumor Asks For Letters From Dogs

The Mertens family is going through a rough time, but they’re getting by with a little help from their furriest friends from all over the world!

Emma Mertens is 7-years-old, and is described as a kind, big-hearted girl. She’s playful, happy, loves her family, and she loves, loves, LOVES dogs! The Mertens family doesn’t have a dog in their home, but Emma enjoys dog-sitting for friends and neighbors.

via GoFundMe

In late January Emma was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, an aggressive brain tumor also known as DIPG.

“…she was having a normal weekend playing with friends, playing in the snow, and wrestling with her brothers. On Sunday though, she got a headache and started having flu like symptoms. By Wednesday, she was rushed into surgery to reduce swelling on the brain.”

via GoFundMe

A brain tumor is a big fight for a 7-year-old, but Team Emma has rallied behind her, and they’re giving her all the support they possibly can. To bring a smile back to Emma’s face, her parents reached out to friends asking them to send words of support from their dogs.

Yep. Their dogs. And the dogs answered the call!

Word spread through flyers and social media that dogs were needed to cheer Emma up, and letters began to pour in from all over the world! Dogs from other countries sent their words of support (with the help of their human friends) to Emma to help bolster her confidence for her fight.

via GoFundMe via GoFundMe

Those that don’t send letters are chiming in on the family’s GoFundMe page with photos and kind words.

The family is grateful for the support that has been shown for Emma.

“Tammy and I are very overwhelmed by the support to help us fight for Emma as long as possible. It is absolutely amazing that so many people have contributed. You will never know how much stress relief this effort has provided. Thank you.”

via GoFundMe via GoFundMe

You and your dog can join Team Emma!

Emma Mertens, P.O. Box 230, Hartland, WI 53209


[email protected]

Or you can contribute your kind words and donation to help Emma’s fight on the family’s GoFundMe page!

The post 7-Year-Old Girl Fighting Brain Tumor Asks For Letters From Dogs appeared first on iHeartDogs.com.

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