Wheelchair Bound Frenchie Wins A Spot In Worldwide Pet Calendar Contest

Kardi, an 8-year-old French Bulldog, was rescued from a puppy mill six years ago. Sadly, she suffers from Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD), a condition that causes the cushioning pads between the bones of the spine to deteriorate.

When she was just four, Kardi became paralyzed in her hind end. But the fun-loving Frenchie refuses to let her disability get her down!

Her latest achievement is being selected from 240 applicants in 26 countries to appear in the 2019 Walkin’ Pets calendar!

Walkin’ Pets by HandicappedPets.com is an e-commerce company devoted to improving and extending the lives of animals with disabilities.

Each year they host a calendar contest to help spread awareness and raise money for pets with a variety of physical challenges. All proceeds from the calendar go to the Handicapped Pets Foundation.

Kardi’s owner, Kelsey Glen is a veterinary technician at The Animal Medical Center in Amarillo, Texas. When the sweet pooch lost the use of her rear legs, Glen’s coworkers took up a secret collection for a Walkin’ Pets wheelchair – and Kardi has been on a roll ever since!

“She is just the sweetest, most laid-back little dog,” Glen told NBC. “Kardi surprises me every day. She doesn’t let her disability define her; she gets up every day and lives life to the fullest!”

In addition to her modeling career, Kardi is a certified therapy dog. She visits schools and nursing homes where she has a special talent for working with Alzheimer’s patients.

Glen is also dog-mom to a special needs Boston Terrier named Bonnie Rose. She documents the adventures of both squishy-faced cuties on Instagram @KartinKardi.

Kardi and her 12 handicapable calendar-mates will be appearing in mailboxes across the country in early November. Call (888) 253-0777 to pre-order your copy and support a wonderful cause!

H/T to KCBD.com

Featured Image via Facebook/Walkin’ Pets by HandicappedPets.com

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