1. My neighbor had a kitten once and it would usually come in my yard to explore. One night I was just outside my house and it came near me. I greeted it and wanted to touch it but then I stopped and just left my palm open. In return it gave me an unintended high 5 but the paw was still remaining on my palm and became like a shake hands thing without actually shaking it. One year later it had grown up a bit and was walking near my house like everyday. By this time it had already started to know me and I used to talk to it everyday. One day I went to the cat and while having a (one way) conversation, I told him/her that this world is for you too and that we are both equal irrespective of the fact that we are different forms of life. None of us is higher than the other in terms of status. From that day the cat became my comrade. This was a cat that neither walked in front of me, nor behind me. We would always walk side by side. After some months the neighbor moved away and the cat moved with him too. A few years later the neighbor came to my house for a visit one day and told me that the cat still remembers me and would start looking around for me whenever they mention my name to the cat. From there a few years later I realized that this was a cat that respected me even though I had never asked it to.

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