Dog Rescued in North Carolina, Stranded in Flooded Home Following Hurricane Florence

Soshe is back in loving arms thanks to the Humane Society of Missouri’s Disaster Response Team.

The small white dog became separated from her owner during Hurricane Florence, putting Soshe’s mom in a horrible position.

Stuck in another state and unable to reach her flooded home, the owner was also caught knowing her dog was in desperate need of help.

The owner contacted the Humane Society of Missouri’s Disaster Response Team — one of many animal rescue teams aiding in Florence recovery efforts — for assistance rescuing Soshe. According to the group, it took the team three attempts to find the house with Soshe inside, since the water levels in that area had reached the roofs, making homes difficult to identify.

Courtesy Humane Society of Missouri

After dealing with a broken-down boat and paddling half of a mile, the team finally reached Soshe’s home. When they approached, they were relieved to hear barking coming from inside. To save the canine, the team kicked down the front door.

Inside they found Soshe marooned on a floating living room couch, likely where she’d spent the past week.

Courtesy Humane Society of Missouri

The Humane Society of Missouri’s Disaster Response Team carefully removed the dog, dried her off and got her to a friend of the owner. Eventually, the pooch was reunited with her grateful mother.

Soshe’s rescue was just one of many the team executed in response to Hurricane Florence. The group spent 10 days in North Carolina working with rescue partners Code 3 Associates, Inc. to save dogs, cats, chickens, goats and horses from the flood waters. The team also helped transport animals to temporary shelters and assisted the Coast Guard with the unloading of animals. 

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