Cat Thrown at School Bus in Maine Recovering from Injuries

This black-and-white kitten aptly named Hiccup recently experienced a major hiccup in his life.

Early this month someone threw the feline out of a moving car at a school bus passing by in Winterport, Maine, reports Bangor News Daily. Thankfully, the children on the bus spotted the kitten flying out the window, and got their bus driver to stop and pick up the baby cat.

With all the focus understandably on Hiccup, no one was able to get a clear view of anyone in the car that the cat came careening out of, or the license plate of the vehicle. Hiccup eventually ended up at Ridge Runner Veterinary Services to get medical help, which he desperately needed.

Jen Marlow/Ridge Runner Veterinary Services

Hiccup arrived with a broken leg, covered in scrapes and fleas, emaciated and with a bad case of worms. It was clear that the kitten was neglected prior to being thrown out of the car. The vet’s office treated the 9-week-old cat and, after conferring with an animal hospital, decided to let Hiccup’s broken leg heal instead of attempting surgery.

Hiccup is now trying to stay immobile, which is hard for a feisty, young feline, especially one in a new home. One of the veterinary assistants who helped Hiccup sent a video of him to her sister, who decided to adopt the healing kitty.

The feline appears to have forgotten the first of his nine lives, opting to greet this second chance with a loving, cuddly and sweet attitude. The feline’s friendly, fighting spirit has touched many; a fundraiser that was started to cover Hiccup’s medical costs has already reached its goal.

Jen Marlow/Ridge Runner Veterinary Services

The next goal is to find out who hurt Hiccup. According to NECN, the Winterport Sheriff’s Department is looking for any information that will lead to Hiccup’s abuser. Those with something to share can call the department at 1-800-660-3398.

Next up for the feline is a check-up on Oct. 31 to ensure that his fracture site is healing well, Ridge Runner veterinarian Rachael Emerson tells PEOPLE. Hiccup is also settling in to his supportive new home complete with two affectionate owners, who have already started an Instagram for Hiccup.

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