1. This makes me so sad . There’s a pet store in my town that always has exotic birds and animals and they all look miserable . I’m glad you found him and are properly caring for him . But i wish wild animals would stop being imported I feel awful for animals ripped out of their home environments to be sold here and in other countries where people have NO idea how to care for them …

  2. Have you ever tried building an outdoor cage? I built one last summer with my uncle for his rescue (also wildcaught) blue macaws and I'm sure it's not that hard to find them prebuilt even, it really helped them feel and act better, we even planted a little tree in there that doesn't grow a lot 🙂 Anyways you seem to be doing absolutely amazing with this little bird baby, all the love to you!

  3. This video is a real reminder that some animals are not to be keeper in captivity. I hope he makes a great recovery. Wish you and him all the luck in the world. Keep doing what you are doing. ?

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