1. The funny thing is that radiation actually does the opposite of what some people think. Rather than create massive monstrosities in coolant ponds and such, radiation exposure at dangerous levels typically makes it harder for animals to grow larger. The only reason there are 12 foot catfish in Chernobyl is because they haven’t been caught by a human before they are able to grow that big. So the presence of large and old animals actually suggests that living in Chernobyl again is possible, as some people are attempting. There are even whole communities of tens of people living in the exclusion zone who have little issue with the radiation present

  2. Nuclear power plants are a TRUE and REAL everpresent danger to all Mankind! Chernobyl is a wasteland… Shame on humans! Why don't they try to thoroughly decontaminate the whole area by demolishing the buildings or removing the dead trees and the upper layers of soil?

  3. It wasn't inexperienced nuclear technicians at all. The man in charge of the test was very much capable of his job. I agree there was oversights but this happened due to well know design flaws in the nuclear planet itself.

  4. I don't give a damn about not touching the dogs, but what about all the human beings that have been exposed to nuclear radio-activity? humm?

  5. Ive seen a video of workers at a govt place just outside the exclusion zone being allowed to freely handle these dogs daily and they do. They feed and water them and stroke them.

  6. Those dogs would rip out your throat while you slept there not pets there wild animals leave them too nature if you love animals so much they’d also give you a good ol dose of strontium 90 so you know what actually let’s see natural selection work at its finest pick them up pet them see wat happens if they don’t chew off your fingers 1st enjoy your shortened life span ???

  7. Something I read in a report on the exclusion zone has stuck with me for years. In the outskirts of the zone, a man found a litter of kittens born without eyelids. I've wondered ever since what happened to the kittens. I know he rescued them, but were they surgically given eyelids? Did they have to be put down? Did they have their eyes removed? Cats can adapt to blindness pretty well. I only hope the most humane thing, whatever it was in the situation, was done. I also hope they were able to have long, full, spoiled lives, one way or another, though I doubt that happened.

  8. The greatest nuclear disaster of all time is Fukushima. You're stupid if you think one reactor melting down is worse than three melt downs with the other three damaged. Also the Russians evacuated everyone. Japan changed the standards so people didn't need to be evacuated. Not to mention the damage to the Pacific ocean!

  9. So glad you made a narrated channel. I like listening to the complete playlist of "Beyond Creepy" some days when I'm working around the house, but then realized the Dark5 channel was all just text.

  10. I was in Chernobyl in november 2017, our guides and people working there pet and play with the dogs. It was completely safe, even I played with them. Chernobyl is not as contaminated anymore as people believe it is. There is less milisievert emission close to the plant than if you would fly from Europe to America.

  11. Great ending hahaha. 🙂
    Its amazing to see how quickly the animals mutate or adapt to acclimate to the environment around Chernobyl. Imagine what things will be like in the next 100 years or so?
    I wish I could see.
    But maybe at the same time…not really. hahaha

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