Cat Becomes Mayor of Michigan Town Omena

Some people compare politics to the circus. In Omena, Michigan, it’s more like an animal shelter.

According to KXAN, the 280-person town recently held an election for a new mayor, and all of the entrants were animals.

Candidates included two cats, a peacock, a chicken, 13 dogs and one goat. It was Sweet Tart, a 9-year-old feline, who scooped up the most votes and is now mayor.

The calico cat was running on a platform of experience and having “NO naughty deeds,” based on her election profile.

“I represent the best of Leelanau County with the Sweet and Tart cherries. I have had experience with governing/supervising my household. And having been Vice Mayor for 3 years, fulfilling all my expected duties, I know I could handle the Mayor position,” Sweet Tart wrote in her profile of why she deserved to be mayor.

And it seems the people agreed: Omena residents paid $1 to take part in the special election, with all proceeds going to the Omena Historical Society. The vote was also open to any animal lover online who wanted to voice an opinion and donate. Overall, there were more than 7,000 votes, of which Sweet Tart got the majority.

Omena has had an animal as mayor for over a decade, reports UPI, but this election’s turnout was the biggest by far. As for those who question an animal’s ability to run a small Michigan town, to them, the people of Omena say, don’t worry about it.

“They have their paw. We accept paw prints. Legal documents can be executed with a paw print,” historical society president Keith Disselkoen told KXAN.

Sweet Tart will hold the role of mayor until 2021. She will be aided by First Vice Mayor Diablo Shapiro the Dog, Second Vice Mayor Punkin Anderson-Harden the Dog, Press Secretary Harley Jones the Goat, and Special Assistant for Fowl Issues Penny Labriola the Chicken.

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